Meet CoachRichardGPT, your 24/7 Sales Trainer and Coach

Inside Sales

Inside sales allow for a sales team to be more efficient and productive yielding a reduced sales cycle, faster scaling ability, and a higher ROI.

Understanding Inside Sales

Inside Sales has redefined the sales process as much as the internet has redefined the buyers’ journey. Building a successful inside sales team is the right choice because the customer is now open to the remote selling process. Inside Sales allow for a sales team to be more efficient and productive yielding a reduced sales cycle, faster scaling ability, and a higher ROI.

However, there are many challenges to actually setting up an inside sales team. Inside sales are much more than just metrics and KPIs. Inside sales is a combination of art and science that requires the organization to invest in sales training and sales coaching beyond “smile and dial”.

The Harris Consulting Group helps you avoid the mistakes others have made. We have built, trained, and scaled 20+ Inside Sales teams. We will train your sales reps to professionally control the conversation. And will you save money, increase pipeline volume and velocity, while reducing opportunity costs and driving real revenue.

Dials To Connects

  • 12.73 dials to get a connection with a direct phone number.
  • 18.83 dials to get a connection when calling a general number.

Dials To Conversations

  • 22.5 dials to get into a meaningful conversation.
  • 30+ dials required if it is a highly solicited division such as marketing, IT, or Senior Executives.
  • 3 Meaningful conversations required to get one appointment.

This means 60-90 dials to get one appointment! (Source: Vorsight)

Choose Your Stage

Early Stage Start-Up <$5m

Pre-Series A or less than $5 million in Funding

Inside Sales Teams have changed the sales process to generate higher revenue in half the time as traditional sales. The Buyers’ Journey has transitioned to a sales process where they expect instant access to resources before speaking with someone in sales. Have you capitalized on this changing environment? Are you giving your Inside Sales team the edge they need to succeed? The Harris Consulting Group specializes in teaching your sales reps how to understand your buyer personas and match their pains with your solution.

How We Help

  • We need to better manage inbound leads.
  • We want to begin formalizing our sales process.
  • We think we need sales training.
  • We need to start doing some outbound prospecting.

Expansion Stage Start-Up $5m to $25m

Post-Series A and Up to Series B

Inside Sales Teams have changed the sales process to generate higher revenue in half the time as traditional sales. The Buyers’ Journey has transitioned to a sales process where they expect instant access to resources before speaking with someone in sales. Have you capitalized on this changing environment? Build your Inside Sales team and give them the edge they need to success. The Harris Consulting Group specializes in teaching your sales reps how to understand your buyer personas and match their pains with your solution.

How We Help


  • We are not sure what’s next: Sales Training, Hire Management, Hire Sales-Operations?
  • We know the inside sales team lacks the confidence to ask tough questions.
  • We know the inside sales team needs to improve their sales skills.
  • No sales coaching is happening other than a manager being a part of the sales calls.
  • Should we separate inbound leads from outbound prospecting?
  • We know we need more outbound prospecting.
  • 1:1’s are just glorified pipeline meetings.
  • Our board expects us to have a grip on sales forecasts.
  • We handle forecasting outside the CRM.

Growth Stage Start-Up $25m+

Series C and Beyond

Inside Sales Teams have changed the sales process as much as the internet has changed the buyers’ journey. Your buyer is more informed than ever before and does not want to speak with your sales team until they are ready. Is your inside sales team ready to speak to them? Train your inside sales team to give them the edge they need to win more business. The Harris Consulting Group specializes in teaching your sales reps how to understand your buyer personas, the buyers’ journey, and how to match their pains with your solutions.

How We Help


  • We have a sales process in the CRM but nobody follows it.
  • We have no formal sales methodology. Everyone does it their own way.
  • We struggle understanding the difference between sales training and sales coaching.
  • We do not trust the sales pipeline data in our CRM.
  • We cannot accurately forecast on a consistent basis.
  • We do not know how to leverage outbound sales prospecting best practices.
  • Our board demands more accurate forecasting.

$100m-Fortune Brands

Inside Sales Teams have changed the sales process as much as the internet has changed the buyers’ journey. Your buyer is more informed than ever before and does not want to speak with your sales team until they are ready. The good news is you have more information about your buyer as well. So the playing field is even. Is your Inside Sales team ready to speak to them? Train your inside sales team to give them the edge they need to win more business. The Harris Consulting Group specializes in teaching your sales reps how to understand your buyer personas, the buyers’ journey, and how to match their pains with your solutions.

How We Help


  • We have painful and inaccurate forecasting.
  • We have too many teams doing it “their own way”.
  • We are thirsty for a consistent discovery process.
  • We are fumbling the competition conversations.
  • We are frustrated trying to achieve consistency in our processes.

What Our Clients Say

"Your training reminded me that everyone in the organization is selling, not just sales."

Ted S.


I've used Richard's training at multiple companies to help us shape our lead generation efforts with our SDR teams as well as outside sales executives. He helped us examine our process, tune it up, as well as train the team on the NEAT methodology which had an immediate impact on our selling efforts.

Bryan S.

VP Sales

Sometimes trainers do not acknowledge that specific industries have specific eccentricities to their sales process so it was nice that he did not assume anything and gave us time to share our input on situations too. I have used a lot of what I learned each day and feel more confident in the sales process.

Team Member in Computer Software


We've seen a big improvement in the depth of the conversations our team is having with customers. Our team now have a much better understanding of the customers' pain and can then best recommend if our platform is a good fit for them or not.

Donal T.

Small Business Owner

He easily adjusted to our environment and nuances, and his suggestions have proven to bear fruit with getting prospects on the line. I'd definitely work with Richard again.

Freddy D.

Enterprise Account Executive

Richard was adaptable to our needs and our ambitious timeline. He delivered CONCRETE tools that our team was able to apply the DAY AFTER. We credit him with enabling us to create a string of breakthroughs in the days and weeks following our training.

Natalie P.

VP Sales

Richard helped provide insights into how to successfully lead a discovery call. His wisdom and expertise will leave you in a better position to sell more.

Team Member in Information Technology and Services

Small Business

Some of Our Clients

Give your sales team the skills to succeed.

Increase pipeline volume and velocity, reduce opportunity costs, and drive real revenue.