Meet CoachRichardGPT, your 24/7 Sales Trainer and Coach
smiling business woman meeting with coworkers

Our Services

We have a complete suite of services including Go-To-Market Strategy, Sales Training, and Leadership and Executive Coaching. All of them are customized to your specific needs.

Accelerating Your Revenue and Growth

Customized sales training teaches your reps how to authentically, and in their own voice #EarnTheRight to ask questions, which questions to ask, and when to ask them. This is a customized sales training and reinforcement program that includes separate coaching sessions for your managers and is guaranteed to stick while improving sales forecasts and closing skills.

Customized to achieve your goals and vision. And includes everything from ICP creation, pitch development, sales operations, Founder-Led Sales coaching, and scaling your entire revenue machine. 

Do you trust your sales funnel to deliver an accurate forecast? We create or audit your sales process, define exit criteria,and completely enable organizations to drive sales teams to sell better, faster, and more efficiently.

Whether you’re an individual contributor looking to grow your skill set or a founder looking to improve their own sales skills during the founder led sales stage, we’ve got you covered.

We train SDRs (Sales Development Reps) and BDRs (Business Development Representative) account penetration strategies that work including email, LinkedIn, cold calling, live pick-up, gatekeeper, voicemail, qualification training and more.

Sales reps often fail because they were poorly trained originally. We help you build the right onboarding process including sales playbooks, sales training, product training and ramping.

It’s a mine-field out there. Sales Reps are so busy using tools to be efficient they can no longer actually do their job, sell. We help you find and understand the right tools that help your sales teams execute.

There are two kinds of sales leads, Inbound and Outbound. They will each have a different sales process and timeline as well different people in the sales roles handling them. We help you figure this out to drive revenue faster from each type of sales lead. 

Define your Total Addressable Market and how your current market share can increase.

What is your Ideal Customer Profile? Does your Sales and Marketing Team have the same definition? Find which customers are generating the largest revenue.

Helping your selling.

Sales reps often fail because they were poorly trained originally. We help you build the right onboarding process including sales playbooks, sales training, product training and ramping.

We teach your SDRs (Sales Development Reps) account penetration strategies that work including email and voicemail strategies.

By utilizing our strategies in N.E.A.T. Selling™ Sales Training, you and your team can start getting better, qualified deals entering your pipeline and increase revenue significantly.

Do you trust your sales funnel? Building a sales process is about paying attention to the right details. We will construct your sales funnel based on your buyers’ journey.

It’s a mine-field out there. Sales Reps are so busy using tools to be efficient they can no longer actually do their job, sell. We help you find and understand the right tools that help your sales teams execute.

There are two kinds of leads: inbound leads and outbound leads. We help you ensure the right process and people are used to capture, measure, and execute against your inbound and outbound sales.

What about sales? Everyone knows what marketing wants. We make sure your sales team has all the right tools to tackle a new vertical effectively.

Define your Total Addressable Market and how your current market share can increase.

What is your Ideal Customer Profile? Does your Sales and Marketing Team have the same definition? Find which customers are generating the largest revenue.

Helping your metrics.

Understanding the difference between Metrics and KPIs is mission-critical for any sales organization. We help you determine which metrics and KPIs will you the earliest indicators to winning the deals.

Sales & Marketing SLA

We help you build an efficient, fair, and trusted SLA between sales and marketing to ensure everyone is working and playing well with others.

Customer Value Analysis

Do you really know why your customers buy our products or service or do you think you know? We can lead a cross-team internal audit that will give you real results everyone can use.

Helping your team.

There is a shortage of sales managers in the world today. Is your company prepared to promote from within and provide the training your sales managers need to be successful? We offer Sales Management and Leadership Training so sales managers are set up for success.

Today’s SaaS sales reps hold all the cards. There are not enough good ones to go around. We help you build the right culture & trust that promotes long term growth and stability for your sales team.

As the inside sales world expands so do the complexities of compensation. SDRs, BDRs, AEs, & Customer Success combined with geo location make it more challenging than ever. We can help you build out comp plans that align with scaling your business.

woman sitting down working on her laptop

Customized To Fit Your Needs

We understand each company has different pains. That’s why we offer customized training to help you with specific needs.