Meet CoachRichardGPT, your 24/7 Sales Trainer and Coach

Respect Contract

Breakthrough and take your team to the next level by providing them with training that will help them create mutual respect between them and their prospects.

men shaking hands

Earn The Right To Ask Questions

In sales, especially inside sales, establishing rapport and mutual respect between a potential client and the sales rep is often taken for granted or considered natural instinct. The reality is quite different. Reps often put their prospects and clients so high on a pedestal that they are afraid to ask important questions for fear of “losing the deal”. In turn, this slows down sales cycles, affects accurate forecasting, and allows prospects to ghost or go dark on you.

We train your sales team on how to create a mutual level of respect while avoiding falling into a parent/child relationship where they feel weak and intimidated. We improve their courage and confidence so they know how to earn the right to ask questions.

Walk Away With:

What Our Clients Say

"Your training reminded me that everyone in the organization is selling, not just sales."

Ted S.


I've used Richard's training at multiple companies to help us shape our lead generation efforts with our SDR teams as well as outside sales executives. He helped us examine our process, tune it up, as well as train the team on the NEAT methodology which had an immediate impact on our selling efforts.

Bryan S.

VP Sales

Sometimes trainers do not acknowledge that specific industries have specific eccentricities to their sales process so it was nice that he did not assume anything and gave us time to share our input on situations too. I have used a lot of what I learned each day and feel more confident in the sales process.

Team Member in Computer Software


We've seen a big improvement in the depth of the conversations our team is having with customers. Our team now have a much better understanding of the customers' pain and can then best recommend if our platform is a good fit for them or not.

Donal T.

Small Business Owner

He easily adjusted to our environment and nuances, and his suggestions have proven to bear fruit with getting prospects on the line. I'd definitely work with Richard again.

Freddy D.

Enterprise Account Executive

Richard was adaptable to our needs and our ambitious timeline. He delivered CONCRETE tools that our team was able to apply the DAY AFTER. We credit him with enabling us to create a string of breakthroughs in the days and weeks following our training.

Natalie P.

VP Sales

Richard helped provide insights into how to successfully lead a discovery call. His wisdom and expertise will leave you in a better position to sell more.

Team Member in Information Technology and Services

Small Business

Some of Our Clients

Adult: Adult Business Relationships

It is essential to teach sales associates how to quickly gain the trust and respect of potential clients so that they may be able to ask the difficult questions related to budgets, expansions, pains, and concerns. However, the first two minutes of meeting someone will determine the relationship status from an adult: adult or child: adult.

Through the Respect Contract Training Course, the Harris Consulting Group discusses common missteps that sales associates often fall into and trains associates to have the confidence and set up the authority to ask anything from the clients. The goal is to remove the awkward sales associate and customer anxiety in the first sales calls so that a meaningful first conversation can progress and determine if the business discussion should continue.

Respect Contract Training Goals

Give Your Sales Team the Skills to Succeed

Interactive group sessions, real-world experience, and proven sales training skill sets.