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Surf and Sales S1E55 – What with it means to be the first sales rep at a start-up with Nick Casale Director of Sales at Sendoso

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Nick Casale really enjoys being an entrepreneur. So much so, he gambled on himself and trusted the founders to be the first sales rep at a startup. Now he’s running the team and working through managing a team from home transition. Nick shares all kinds of fun learnings and stories including:

The wrong way to adjust to Work From Home
How to make a daily Stand Up work when Work From Home
What to look for in a founder if you want to be the first sales rep at a start-up
How to measure attitude and aptitude in hiring
Positivity can be a force multiplier
Best advice to follow if you want to be the first sales rep at a start-up
What to look for when deciding if you want
Adjusting from big energy to work from home?
What it means to be the first sales rep at a start-up
Hacking your first sales team
Learning to manage a sales team

Check out this episode!

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