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Multi-Threading in Sales: Best Practices


Listen up, today we’re about to dive deep into a game-changing strategy that’ll supercharge your sales process. We’re talking about best practices for multi-threading in sales, or as I like to call it, “getting your tentacles all over that damn org chart.” 

So buckle up, get real or lose deals.

What the F#$*! is Multi-threading Anyway?

Multi-threading isn’t some fancy tech jargon – it’s about not putting all your eggs in one lousy basket. In sales speak, it means you’re not relying on just one contact in a company to close a deal. You’re spreading your bets, building relationships with multiple decision-makers, influencers, and buying committees, as well as the buy-in committees. And all of this gets wrapped up in a pretty package creating a web of influence that’s harder to break than a single thread.

Getting Multi-Threaded: Best Practices

  1. **Do Your Homework, yeah, HOMEWORK! **: Before you even think about reaching out, know that org chart inside and out. Who’s got the power? Who’s got the pain? Every time someone new is added to the conversation, do more research.
    EXPERT TIP – Research the titles and roles you know who are often influenced by a decision if your product is chosen. Early in your discovery calls, ask your contact something like this, “Hey, a lot of times our most successful clients involve these titles _____.  How does this work at your organization?” This helps you create your map and map legend. You don’t have to ask for intros, you are simply confirming information you know you need. 
  2. **LinkedIn is Your Best Friend**: Use it like a heat-seeking missile. Find connections, spot alumni, join groups. It’s not stalking; it’s smart selling. If I have to give you an example here, then perhaps you are better suited for a transactional 1-call close.
  3. **Warm Intros or Bust**: Work the angles. Get your foot in the door with a warm intro. It’s like showing up to a party with the host’s best friend – instant cred.
    EXPERT TIP – Yes, it’s ok to send a LinkedIn request. Be honest, tell them who you are speaking with and that you want to connect. And tell them specifically you are not trying to go around anyone, simply trying to do your research.
  4. **Customize or Die**: One-size-fits-all is for cheap t-shirts, not for sales pitches. Tailor that message like a bespoke suit for each stakeholder. 
  5. **Give Before You Get**: Bring value to the table before you ask for anything. Insights, trends, case studies – be the smartest person in their inbox.
  6. **Omnichannel Isn’t Just a Buzzword**: Email, phone, social, carrier pigeon – use whatever works. Just don’t be a one-trick pony.
  7. **Timing is Everything**: Coordinate your outreach like a military operation. Create a buzz, not a confused mess.

Staying Multi-Threaded: Keep Those Plates Spinning

  1. **Communication is Key**: Keep everyone in the loop. No one likes to feel left out, especially when there’s money on the table.
  2. **Cross-Pollinate Like a Bee**: Share insights between contacts. It shows you’re paying attention and adds value across the board.
  3. **Be the Puppet Master**: Encourage internal discussions about your solution. Give them the tools to sell it for you when you’re not in the room.
  4. **Track Everything**: If it’s not in your CRM, it didn’t happen. Period.
  5. **Adapt or Die**: Companies change, people move. Stay on your toes and adjust your strategy faster than a chameleon in a rainbow factory.
  6. **Visualize the Battlefield**: Create a stakeholder matrix. Know who’s who, who likes who, and who’s got the real power.
  7. **Bring the Party Together**: When the time is right, get multiple stakeholders in one room. It’s like hosting a dinner party where the main course is your solution.

Dealing with Roadblocks, Posers, and Liars

The Indecisive Contact or Gatekeeper

  1. **Diagnose the Problem**: Are they waffling or just powerless? Know the difference.
  2. **Arm Them**: Give them the tools to make a decision. ROI calculators, comparison charts – whatever it takes.
  3. **Find Another Way In**: If they won’t introduce you, introduce yourself. Just don’t be a jerk about it.
  4. **Confront the Fear**: If they’re scared to make intros, find out why. Address it head-on.
  5. **Make Them the Hero**: Show them how expanding the conversation makes them look good.
  6. **Apply Gentle Pressure**: Let them know multi-threading in sales is your standard process. FOMO is a powerful motivator.
  7. **Sometimes, You Gotta Go Around**: If all else fails, go direct. Just be ready to explain yourself if called out.

When Your Contact Goes Dark (And You’ve Got Other Contacts)

  1. **Don’t Panic, Escalate**: Try all channels before moving on. But know when to call it.
  2. **Use Your Network**: Reach out to other contacts. Ask for help reconnecting.
  3. **Create FOMO**: Introduce time-sensitive info or offers. Nothing motivates like missing out.
  4. **Flaunt Your Success**: Share wins from similar companies. Make them wonder what they’re missing.
  5. **Get Face Time**: Hit up industry events. Sometimes, you gotta press the flesh.
  6. **Give Them an Out**: Let them pass you to someone else if they’re not the right contact anymore.
  7. **Stay Classy**: Always be professional. You never know when they might pop back up.

When You’re Left in the Cold (No Other Contacts)

  1. **Persistence Pays**: Keep at it, but mix up your approach. Sometimes, the 20th touch is the charm.
  2. **Dig Deeper**: There’s always more intel out there. Find it.
  3. **Content is King**: Create stuff they can’t ignore. Be the thought leader they didn’t know they needed.
  4. **Get on Their Radar**: Use account-based marketing. Make them come to you.
  5. **Network Like Crazy**: Find mutual connections outside the company. Someone knows someone who knows someone.
  6. **Social Selling is Real**: Engage in their online spaces. Be helpful, be present, be memorable.
  7. **Know When to Fold ‘Em**: Sometimes, you gotta start from scratch. Take what you’ve learned and reset.

The Harris Bottom Line

Multi-threading in sales isn’t just a tactic; it’s a mindset. It’s about being smarter, more strategic, and more resilient in your sales approach. It’s about not putting your commission check in the hands of one person who might ghost you faster than a bad Tinder date.

Remember, in sales, like in life, you don’t get what you deserve – you get what you negotiate. And negotiating from a position of multiple relationships is always stronger than relying on a single point of failure.

So get out there, spread those threads, and weave a web of influence that’ll have deals falling into your lap like ripe fruit. It’s not easy, but neither is missing your quota. Choose your hard.

Now, what are you waiting for? Get multi-threading. Go make it rain or contact me here for help.

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