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S1E19 | “Brand Archetypes” and Video w/ Ryan O’Hara

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Ryan O’Hara is the VP of Growth and Marketing at LeadIQ. He was also one of the earliest folks on LinkedIn using video to build his brand. He is also one of those nerdy sales guys who applies some Jungian psychological philosophies into his selling approach. What one of the 12 brand archetypes is he? He says he is “The Jester.” You be the judge.

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Are you tired of going to sales conferences in the same old cities, in huge hotels full of thousands of vendors selling you when you’d rather be honing your own skills, building real relationships, and investing in personal and professional growth?

We are too, so we changed the game with Surf & Sales 2020 in Playa Grande, Costa Rica.

If you’re looking for deeper learning, meaningful relationships, and an experience that will transform you and your career or business, head on over to Surf & Sales Playa Grande 2020 to learn more.

Check out this episode!

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