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Surf and Sales S1E31 – How Men Can Be Less “Clumsy” in the “Me Too” Era with Paige Drews

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Farmer? Check!  Assistant Heart Surgeon on Pigs? Check. VP Sales w/ an exit? Check!  Family member an original suffragette? Check! Make a cold call during the interview and get it closed? Check!

Paige Drews brings probably the most non-traditional background to her sales career we’ve seen yet.  She’s passionate about leadership, helping others first, and she’s done it all to say the least. But is has not been easy.

She’s definitely experienced gender bias, been overlooked, undervalued and never let it slow her down.

In the “me too” era when so many people are afraid to talk about it, she is not. Paige exemplifies and articulates her story on the topic without preaching, but really teaching what we can all do. She not only wants to discuss it but also wants to help people understand the differences and the changes we can make.

Check out this episode!

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