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The Perfect Out of Office Message


The hardest part of being in sales is reducing the guilt we feel when taking time off. 

We know we need to do it, we want to do it, and we actually do it, except we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. 

So here’s the out of office message we’ve cultivated over the years. Interestingly, we get replies telling us they love it and are going to “steal” it and use for themselves.

Subject Line: Choose Wisely as I am OOO

Thanks for contacting me. Presently I am in [insert place] with my [insert those you are with].

I will not be checking emails sporadically because, let’s face it, we will check them all day long. 

You can be guaranteed an immediate response by texting me based on the following:

    • It must be urgent, 415.596.9149. (Yes, I am on WhatsApp)
    • If it’s non-urgent you can contact my Chief of Staff, Carrie Franklin,, and she can help us find time on the calendar.
    • Upon my return, I will spend (2 hrs) reviewing my inbox and starting with the most recent emails. If you are concerned I will not see your email, please send it again the day after my return. 
    • If you try to pitch slap me on my cell while on vacation, you will be shamed by the sales gods and miss your FYE 2022 quota. Plus, you’re just being rude.

And yes, feel free to steal and use this OOO reply. You don’t even have to do the little finger air quotes when you share it with someone else.




When you’re back in the office, you might want to check out these tips for building a process for time management so the rest of the time you stay sane too.

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