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3 Kinds of Demos

demo key

There are 3 types of demos in #sales when following N.E.A.T. Selling.

N.E.A.T. = Need, Economic Impact, Access to Authority and Timeline

  1. Trailer – This is essentially an explainer video. This gives people just enough to understand the pains you solve to entice them into a deeper conversation. 2-3 minutes
  2. Main Feature – This is a demo that actually walks your prospects through their specific use cases as it relates to your product or service.
  3. Director’s Cut – This more like a POC or trial. Or perhaps a #CustomerSuccess demo of a new application

Throughout the #salescycle you must determine what is your equal get for giving these to people.

5 more tips about demos

  1. Demos are used to uncover pain, not showcase your UI
  2. Demos – The UI should sell itself, but only if you ask “how does this compare to your current way of doing things?”
  3. Demos are NEVER product training.
  4. Demos should be given when you feel it will help you get to the next stage
  5. Pre-qualify the demo, “Hey, before we do this demo. Assume it goes well because if it doesn’t I won’t hear back from you, what happens next from your side?”

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