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Surf and Sales S1E62 – Running Sales Ops Under Quarantine w/ a Toddler While Pregnant – JM Wilke is doing it all.

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JM is a successful saleswoman, sales mgr, SDR mgr and Head of Sales Ops in Austin. From selling girl scout cookies in Sacramento as a child to planning her days and weeks in advance to optimize her days as a working mother, she covers a lot of ground and gets tactical. Right up until the moment that “life” intervenes. It’s a Surf and Sales first! You’ll have to listen to find out what happens.
  • Topics include:
  • Challenges of being a working mother under quarantine
  • How planning in advance helps her get things done
  • How her parents hated selling – while she hated girl scouts – but they both got what they wanted
  • The value of having a “trusting leader”
  • The top 3 things a new Head of Sales Ops should get done
  • Why vendor relationships matter

Check out this episode!

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