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Finding Your Rep’s Individual Currency (Motivating Your Sales Team)


We have two children, one 12, and another 14. 

Our 14 year old wants to work in Hollywood. He is enamored with movies.

He can have a conversation and tell you about the different ways Scorsese shoots films. He can tell you how each director of the different Batman movies tells their story. He pays attention to the soundtrack and how it enhances a movie. And he’s seen some other movies most of his friends have not. 

So here’s the situation. 

His grades are very good – A’s and B’s. He’s more than capable of all A’s and it’s just about effort. 

He came to us last week and said, “You know we’ve been talking about this in school. And rather than take away things if my grades don’t improve, what if you let me watch a Tarantino movie when I get my grades to all A’s?”

As a business person, yes, I love this approach. Managing the motivations of your individual employees’ desires. Of course as a parent, we have to balance that with age appropriate content. 

Find your rep’s currency based on their desires, not just your needs and wants. It’s the key to motivating your sales team. Kinda like sales, you know?



If you think your team needs a some training to go along with those incentives, check out our 4 Week N.E.A.T. Selling™ Training & Reinforcement Program here. On the fence about it? Check out these 7 ways sales training can help you and your team.

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