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Guidelines For N.E.A.T. Selling™ Even When You Use Another Methodology

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We have a different approach than most do when it comes to ideas around sales processes and sales methodologies. We don’t believe someone should simply rip and replace one methodology for the other. 

Sadly, this is one of the first things new sales leaders do to try and “put their stamp” on the organization. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, and a good VP of Sales will know when the right time is to do this. 

If the current sales process does not work, it has more to do with the lack of consistent coaching to the team to actually follow it than it does anything else. So simply replacing it may not be the only thing that needs to happen. 

This is why we call N.E.A.T. Selling™ a philosophy first, and yes, it can become your process, and yes, it can become your methodology. 

The idea behind is to focus on the right EXIT CRITERIA for each stage in your sales process. Once you define your EXIT CRITERIA, you can then use the concepts of N.E.A.T. Selling™ to earn the right to ask questions, and then have the right questions ready to ask. 

If you are using something like MEDDIC, GAP Selling, or SPIN Selling, N.E.A.T. Selling™ can be an easy bolt-on without causing any disruption or requirements to change your whole CRM layout and reports.

Here’s how to view N.E.A.T. Selling™

NEED – What are the pains the prospect/customer feels in relation to their specific roles and tasks and based on how your company can solve the pain? It’s not about talking about what your company does, it’s about talking about their pain(s) first. Identifying them Done via Respect Contract, Open/Closed-Ended Questions, And/But, Multiple Choice, etc.

ECONOMIC IMPACT – Understanding how painful the pain is that’s been identified. Is it a simple headache or is it a migraine? Driving to economic impact through the qualification techniques, etc. And driving back to a specific $. In many cases you can help them realize they don’t have a headache, they have a migraine.

ACCESS TO AUTHORITY – Through account planning, whom do you think is involved, whom are you talking with currently, who else do you need to talk to? Driving the Economic Impact to be a migraine so deeply, they want to get others involved.

TIMELINE – If they have a headache or migraine, using ECONOMIC IMPACT drives greater urgency. If you don’t solve this pain by (future date), what would happen? You can choose the date based on your sales cycle. If not painful enough, that’s good data, and you can go back to NEED and ECONOMIC IMPACT.

We’d love to know your thoughts about N.E.A.T. Selling™, even if you disagree with us. We can take it. Share your thoughts in the comments below or contact us here.

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