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What Are You Doing For Your Employees?

woman working from home with her young son in her lap

On behalf of all the hard working parents who aren’t able to say this, “Eff-You!”

Yes, that’s right. If you, the company, haven’t come up with something other than “hit the number”, then you are doing it wrong.

What’s your plan?

Your employees are thinking about this, but in many cases, are afraid to say something. I recently discussed how employees should negotiate their work from home expenses, but many are afraid to do that too. Ultimately, they shouldn’t have to negotiate because you should have a plan in place.

So, what’s your plan for your hard working people who fit one of these many scenarios right now?

  1. Single WFH parents with a child(ren) in school
  2. Single WFH parents with child(ren) in distance learning
  3. Single WFH parents with a child(ren) in a hybrid model
  4. Single WFH parents with multiple children at different school locations
  5. 2 income households working from home with a child(ren) in school
  6. 2 income households working from home with child(ren) in distance learning
  7. 2 income households working from home with a child(ren) in a hybrid model
  8. 2 income households with multiple children at different school locations
  9. 1 working parent/ 1 at home parent working from home with a child(ren) in school
  10. 1 working parent/ 1 working from home with child(ren) in distance learning
  11. 1 working parent/ 1 working from the home parent with a child(ren) in a hybrid model
  12. 1 working parent/ 1 working from home parent multiple child(ren) at different school locations

Also: Caring for elderly parents.

You want people in the office, but kids are at home. We’ve all heard the sentiment lately, “We’re in this together”. But, if you haven’t thought through a plan for your own team, how much of this are we really in together?

Think I’m wrong? Challenge me (contact me, DM on LinkedIn, call me at 415-596-9149). I double dog dare you. Just bring your A-Game!

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