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Negotiating your Work From Home Expenses

sam clar office furniture

As WFH will continue to be the new normal it’s important that companies and employees take a good look at what it takes to have healthy work from home policies, especially around the equipment needed. And most importantly, who is responsible for it? Whether you are in inside sales, field sales, marketing, engineering, HR, IT, this stuff matters, a lot.

We believe that companies should build strong cultures, and as such, it’s up to the company to provide these resources.   Now, if you are in need of a job, bills, family, rent, mortgage, etc. Then we will absolutely support that you need not negotiate too hard on these things. But if you can, don’t let them do this to you!

Do not let your company IKEA you for WFH!
Do not let your company Stipend you for WFH!

The hidden costs of WFH that your employer should start paying for. Whether you are in #sales#marketing#HR#Engineering#IT, this matters.

$700 – Phone 
Yes, that could be a little pricey, but keep the following in mind. Who’s owns the data on the phone? What if something gets sent out by accident on your personal phone that could affect your company? What if your company asks you to turn over your phone and then they have access to everything personal about you.

I know we don’t like to think about this stuff, but companies are having this discussion. Remember everything is fine until… it’s not fine.

$1200 – Unlimited Phone Data Plan $100/ month
You don’t get to piggyback off my data plan. The operative word, “MY”.

$1800 – High-Speed Internet $150/ month.
You want me to have good zoom calls right? You don’t want to give our prospects and customers we can’t afford something like this do you?  Again, you don’t get to piggyback off my internet any more than my neighbor’s teenager.

$200 – 2nd monitor
Yup, gotta have one to be more effective.

$400 – Desk, need a good ergonomic desk
Not talking some IKEA $99 special. Imagine what the workman’s comp claim might be like

$300 – Chair – yup, need a good ergonomic chair
Not talking some IKEA $99 special. Imagine what the workman’s comp claim might be like

$300 – Printer
Ok, maybe not a printer anymore, but docusign, echosign, pandadoc, etc.

$150 – Headset
Definitely need something with good noise reduction.

$140 – Microphone
Have you watched the news lately? Can you tell how bad it sounds?  Don’t treat your customers like this.

$50 – Lamp
Something a little directional, something.

So how do we “negotiate” these things?  I think its important to first create a list of the things you need. Then start with questions like this…

“So, as we look to set up for success, it seems to me these are the things that are necessary, ___, ____, ____, etc.  How are you addressing the costs associated with this?”

I would suggest asking for what you think is reasonable in the current situation. And by all means, DO NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE. If you have a desk, don’t ask for them to buy you a new one. If you have a monitor, don’t ask them to buy you a new one, etc.   It’s important EVERYONE act fairly and in good faith.

What happens if they say they won’t pay for things?  You could ask questions like this:

1. What was the per-employee for lunches?
2. What was your per-employee overhead cost?
3. What were your per-employee costs for monitors, headsets, lamps?
4. What were your per-employee high-speed internet costs?

And so on…

Remember, just don’t let them IKEA you!

Oh, if you need some help, check out my friends at Sam Clar Office Furniture they’ve got some excellent and affordable stuff. And no, I don’t get a kickback but feel free to tell them I sent you.

What did I miss that you feel are must-haves for your WFH setup?

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