Meet CoachRichardGPT, your 24/7 Sales Trainer and Coach
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Adapt, Evolve, or Die


I was fired. Well, ok, I was let go, but emotionally they feel the same. But this time was different. They hugged me out the door. They made sure I had runway to find a new gig, take care of my family, and even paid for some education for me (Scrum Training).

And, as we all know, adapt, evolve, or die.

Through pure karma, irony, or a greater being, a new door opened that I never expected. People wanted me to help them with their businesses and sales training. I called a few close friends and folks in the industry. And they all convinced me it was worth a shot.

It was a big risk. Wife, family, mortgage, insurance, all those things. With the support of my wife, family, friends, and even some competitors, we decided to go for it. We created my “validation website”.  About 5 pages in total, and just enough so when people talked to me they knew (or at least I appeared), to be a legitimate organization.

We’ve evolved over the years. Re-built the website. Started a podcast, host monthly live trainings and webinars, conducted amazing surveys about sales and leadership and mental health, created online video trainings, started a newsletter, adapted our training, and added additional go-to market advisory services. And there is more to come.

We are happy to share that we’ve been rebuilding the website and we are “officially done”. Well, you know what that means, right? Like 99.95% done.

You can now find all our ebooks and on-demand webinars in our resource library, access our latest blogs and events in our content hub, and easily find all our offerings under Trainings, including our 4 Week N.E.A.T. Selling™ Training & Reinforcement Program, Negotiation Skills Training, and N.E.A.T. Selling™ Online Training.

Feel free to check out the site, sign up for the newsletter via that blue bar at the bottom of this page (we won’t spam you) and, of course, contact us if we can ever be of help. My true cell phone number is 415.596.9149.

Thanks again to everyone who supported us through the years. Stay tuned as more new stuff coming in 2022.

Oh, and for the detractors, haters, etc… Pffttt, thanks for the motivation.


Richard, Cathy, Riley (13), Bodhi (11), and of course, Lola our lovable pup.

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